Overall Results By Actual Sport

The table below shows Parkland's all-time results per actual sport, combining boys and girls together in same sport.

* ## indicates highest in column
Sport Wins Losses Ties Total Conference District State Seasons Power Ranking
Base/Softball 1,827 689 1 2,517 47 23 5 132 1,552.277
Basketball 2,084 1,374 0 3,458 13 19 1 147 812.213
Cross Country 1,093 474 4 1,571 23 16 1 102 695.815
Lacrosse 541 229 1 771 13 8 0 44 232.273
Soccer 1,328 448 88 1,864 28 28 0 86 899.920
Swimming and Diving 1,118 320 7 1,445 32 42 3 123 1,681.880
Tennis 1,370 290 5 1,665 44 25 0 110 1,156.312
Track and Field 904 156 4 1,064 50 3 0 126 750.995
Volleyball 1,179 468 0 1,647 26 25 5 82 1,002.359
Wrestling 701 388 8 1,097 3 3 0 67 88.292

Power Rankings Explained